Flocknotes is an email and mobile text messaging tool created for churches, ministries, teams and other similar organizations. By signing up for Flocknotes we are able to notify parishioners of important updates from the Parish and it can also be used in emergencies and to inform staff and parishioners about other issues that impact the Parish.
Please sign up by going to the following webpage and inputting your mobile phone number and an e-mail address. This will be the primary method to send and receive important updates from Saint Nicholas Parish, so please sign up by clicking the link below (or by copying and pasting the link to your web browser).
The process is simple and can be completed in less than 2 minutes. Thank you!
Note: Once you sign up, Flocknote will send you an email, and this email may take an hour or more to appear in your inbox. Just be patient! It will come.