We welcome you home to Mass. The following guidelines, which have been developed in coordination with guidelines provided by the Archdiocese of Washington, are specific to Saint Nicholas Parish; please review them before arriving to Church. These guidelines are designed to assist you in your return to regular attendance at Mass.
In order to keep things simple, they are brief. When you come to Mass and have additional concerns or questions that are not covered here, please ask. In the midst of all of this there is no such thing as a bad question.
Once we are allowed to return to Mass, are we obligated to be there?
Yes. The dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass will be discontinued the weekend of June 26/27, 2021. At this time we will also discontinue including the link to the Livestream of Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception.
I’m an older person and I want to return, is there any reason I should not come to Mass?
It depends. We encourage our older parishioners, especially those with preexisting conditions to exercise caution, especially during cold and flu season, if you have not had your vaccine. If you are healthy and are not experiencing anxiety about returning to mass, feel free to join us.
My whole family will be coming to Mass, will we be allowed to sit together?
Yes. We still encourage families to sit together.
I’m coming to Mass alone, is there going to be seating for individuals?
Yes. The Church that is configured for both families and individuals. The ushers will direct you to your seat in Church.
Is there anything I need to know before I arrive?
Yes. As will be evident when you enter the parish grounds things will be a bit different. Most of us have had to deal with changes to places of business already. The same is true with coming to church. Before you come, we ask that you do the following:
If you have any flu-like symptoms, please stay at home.
If you have not been vaccinated, we encourage you to wear a face mask or facial covering(s). If you have, face mask(s) or facial covering (s) are optional.
Will there be changes before entering the church?
We ask you to sanitize your hands before entering and to do this either using your own sanitizer or that of the church in full view of the ushers.
What about inside the church? Will there be changes?
Holy Water - Holy Water fonts have been filled.
Hymnals can be located at each entrance at the front of the Church
Offertory will be collected row by row, as before.
Small tables in the front of the Church for communion stations
What about the Mass itself? Will there be changes?
Yes. Some things are going back to the way they were pre-COVID19, but some things will remain the same.
We are singing at all Masses except 8:30 AM on Sunday Morning.
We will not offer the Sign of Peace.
We ask that people not hold hands during the Our Father.
Distribution of Holy Communion will be only under the form of Bread.
How will the distribution of Holy Communion be different?
First, ushers will invite rows to come forward via the center aisle.
When it is your time to receive Communion if wearing a mask...
Remain 6-feet away from the priest or deacon with your mask in place. Also maintain six feet away from the people in front of you.
The minister will say, “The Body of Christ.”
After you respond, “Amen,” approach the priest or deacon and receive the Host in your steady hand.
Step 6-feet away from the minister, carefully lower your face covering, and consume the Host.
Then, replace your covering and return to your seat via the side aisle.
For families with young children receiving, have the child receive first. They may have trouble lowering the face covering and may need help lowering and recovering their faces.
For those not receiving Holy Communion, we ask that you try to remain in your seat. This includes young children if you choose to remain in your seat, please step into the aisle so that others can get by you.
Do not wear gloves to receive communion. Please remove them and put them in your pocket. Communion will not be distributed to anyone wearing gloves.
Return to your seat by the side aisles.
How will we exit after Mass?
As we have.